Artefact 1:

What is a 'Nature Boy'? I must be very careful that I don't define this in opposition to myself. The title refers to the Nat King Cole song 'Nature Boy', about a character and descriptive of an archetype of a young man that can easily paste on to men young men that I have met.

"There was a boy, a very strange, enchanted boy".

To me, a "nature boy" fits a picture of a young gentlemen besieged by troubles, but armed with humour and heart; a boy who feels very deeply, acts intuitively, is elaborately complex yet, presents with simplicity - he is motivated, by sadness, by lust, by joy.

The thing is, I am reticent to describe "him", because by doing so I draw a distinction between "him" and myself. He is me, he is my idealised self and yes it may be problematic that my idealised self is deeply troubled, but there we go. And the more I become myself, the less he exists, the less I can be attached to him. I can only idolise that which I am distant from. The more I become a man, the more I feel his troubles and the less I feel his romance, yet the more I relate to him, and yet still the less I think about him. As I grow up and get to know that which I once worshipped, I have to say goodbye to it. But this is good, because the goodbye is only goodbye to the distinctions that made him "exist" to me, and with it the separation dies - for there is only separation that matters (and it is not really a separation, exactly, at all).

I know these men, that I have identified and projected this spirit upon, and I love them. I just love them slightly differently now.


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