HOME'MUSIC IS OVER' is the new audio-visual Project by luc Seacroft. 'Promised land' is the first Single from the project and can be heard here . The aim of the project is to explore the potential redundancy of "traditional" mediums like pop music. History is comprised of different eras, each with their own unique styles and characteristics: In Ancient Greece sculpture flourished with greater realism and scientific accuracy, The Rennaisance have us great architechture and beautiful paintings and Modernism gave rise to Abstract and avant-guarde Art that defined the late Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Our own time is not so different than any other and we are now entering the stage where popular music - as a medium - is at least sixty years old. Why should it continue to lead the way? Nothing lasts forever.
Now we must ask our selves: is that era of great singles and albums, revolutionised in the late Twentieth Century, simply over? This is what I have coined the "Popular Music Peiod" (P.M.P), 1960 - 2015.
And what if it is, truly, over? What is the purpose of music in the Twenty First Century? Without being grounded in a phisical object, with the old co-existing and competing with the new, with any and every sound readilly availabile for free; what value does the single or album hold any more, if any at all?
"MUSIC IS OVER" is not a celebratory statement, it is harldly a statement at all. It was concieved of in the hope that by looking at the state of culture bleakly and honestly, we might revitalise it. Perhaps this will succed, perhaps it will not. Perhaps we are no longer innovating. Perhaps we are innovating wrongly. Perhaps there is little left to innovate and simply crafting good (sigh) content, making good "things" is enough. Perhaps this is all projection. I intend to find out.
The first Single, 'Promised Land' , is out now.