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The Cover Artwork was created, primarilly, using Artbreeder Artificial Intelligience (available through their website.) The process involved using the presets to adjust a computer generated face to resemble my own. It was then "fed" a photo of me, interpreting and intergrating this into the synthetic face. Some final adjustments were made in a more traditional manner.
These faces are a key accompanying feature to the songs of the new Project, "Music Is Over'. This Particular face is (using my own features) intended to evoke The Greco-Roman diety, Apollo. This is for several reasons. Apollo was the god of light, music, order and so on. In phillosphy, the "Apollonian" is associated with order; with form-making and clarity as opposed to his counter-part, Dionysus (god of wine, harvest, ritual madness etc). Conversely the "Dionysian" is ascotiated with chaos, liquidity, form destruction and dissolution. Music - and indeed everything else - exists somewhere in the union of these two forces.
Part of the Aim of "Music Is Over' is to move away from a certain cutural fixation with pusing boundaries - what I view as the dionysian confusion of recent atempts at progress - and towards the more Apollonian focus on form, structure and unity of Identiy. This is something I believe to be a necessary move and a creative force for good in 21st century.
It is for this reason that I have opted for faces. Potraits are singular objects of personality. They communicate and sooth. In an era when everything is so disperate and deconstructed, it is only natural to seek some re-structuring - and as history tends to be both reactive and cyclical, this would surely seem to be what must come next. 'Promised Land' is seeking this harmony (regardless of wether or not it finds it), the whole song is in forward motion. As ludicrous as the thing is; I use this image of me as Apollo to reflect the outlook of the song and to hopefully ring in, personally and culturally, a move towards the focused whole.